Internet Marketing Secrets eBook Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction
That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge!
Who is This Book For?
Chapter 2: What Makes the Internet Go Around
The Economy of the Web
The Role of the Internet Marketer
Chapter 3: Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model
PLR Products: The Fastest Way Imaginable to Start Making Reliable Income Online
Chapter 4: Create Affiliate Marketing and Other Business Models in Free Time
What is Affiliate Marketing?
How it Works
Other Great Online Business Models You Can Set Up in No Time
Chapter 5: Picking Things to Make Money Online
Picking the Niche
Merging Niches
Choosing Products with Value Proposition
Chapter 6: Facebook Ads and Google AdSense for Super-Fast Profits
An Introduction to Facebook Ads and How to do it Right
An Introduction to Google AdWords
Chapter 7: Profiting from a Big Blog Using the Best Growth Hacks
Why You Should Always Sell and Never Display Ads
Building Trust and Offering Value
Growth Hacks for Quickly Growing Your Audience
Your Super-Fast Guide to SEO
Chapter 8: Conclusion and Productivity Tips to Help You Do More Work in Less Time